Special to the Marion Times Standard

WIC stands for “Women, Infants, and Children.” It’s a  supplement food and formula allowance https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/wic/ at helps pregnant women, women who have had a baby in the past 6 months, breastfeeding mothers, and children ages 5 and under. WIC provides extra benefits for healthy food and fresh fruit and vegetables in addition to other programs such as SNAP.  The new guidelines for income are in the chart below:

 2  36,482
 3  45,991  885
 4  55,500  1,068
 5  65,009  1,251
 6  74,518  1,434

The benefit values of WIC have also increased. As of May 1st, 2023, each child will receive $25 in food allowances per month, pregnant and postpartum women will receive $44 in food allowances per month, and breastfeeding women will receive $49 in food allowances per month. Along with food benefits, qualifying families receive healthcare referrals, free nutrition education, and breastfeeding support.

In the past, WIC benefits came in the form of paper vouchers. Now, WIC provides electronic benefits – which makes it easier for families to use them. If you are pregnant, less than 6 months postpartum, breastfeeding, or have a child 5 and under, you may qualify. In addition, you must:

  • Meet income guidelines (see chart above)
  • Be a resident of Alabama
  • Be seen by a health professional at the WIC clinic

If you’re still not sure, you can try the  WIC Prescreening Tool online.

For more information:

  • Visit WIC online at  Alabamapublichealth.gov
  • Call your local Alabama Department of Public Health
  • Call the toll free state line at: 1-888-942-4673 or 1-888-WIC-HOPE

(Source: share.newsbreak)