On Friday, February 2, 2024, the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles took part in the River Region Day of Action in Selma. It was a day dedicated to offering hands-on support to those who needed it most. As a team, we were honored to be a part of this event and contribute to the betterment of our community. Their main focus for the day was to provide direct assistance to individuals who may be struggling with the consequences of past convictions. 

ABPP recognized the importance of empowering these individuals to move forward with their lives and make positive changes. With this in mind, they offered information and resources on the process of applying for pardons, which can ultimately lead to the restoration of voting rights. They believe that this is a crucial step towards creating a more inclusive and equal society. In addition to this, they also took the opportunity to educate the community on the important role that the Bureau plays in creating a safe and just society. It was highlighted that the fact that their work goes beyond just granting pardons and paroles, but they also work tirelessly to monitor and support those under supervision, and to ensure that they have the tools and resources necessary to successfully reintegrate into society 

WSFA 12 News and the River Region United Way have joined forces to support the community through the River Region Day of Action event. This collaboration includes various local organizations, non-profits, and government agencies. Together, they are providing assistance to a diverse range of individuals, such as inmate mothers and children in need of rehabilitation services.  

This event held in Selma, had a huge turnout as nearly as many as 90 organizations including Alabama Community College System, Violence Intervention Program, and Hope Inspired Ministries helped hundreds of residents who attended.  

(source ABPP)