By Sheila Duncan

Assistant Principal Betty Jimerson, appointed new District 1 councilperson, politely refused the appointment by letter late last week. At Monday’s meeting (7-3-23) the Uniontown City Council unanimously appointed Eddie Ward who was present and sworn in upon the vote. Mr. Ward is a local businessman who owns and operates an automotive body repair shop in Uniontown.

Carl Lewis, who had been acting Mayor and had spearheaded several important initiatives for Uniontown, was abruptly removed from the role of Mayor Pro Tem and replaced by a 3-1-1 vote of the council.

Councilwoman Henrietta Jones made a motion to appoint Kimberly Bell as the new Pro Tem, which was seconded by Bell herself. The motion to appoint Bell was supported by Councilman Eddie Ward and passed with Lewis voting against it and Mims abstaining. This move almost completed the earlier deal announced upon the selection of Miller as Mayor. The last step of the deal is for the water board appointment for District 1 to be fulfilled.

Acting Police Chief Robert Skyes of Uniontown was removed from his post and replaced with Pamala Wilson of Selma. Chief Wilson is the first female to be appointed Police Chief in the area’s history.

Uniontown is currently facing difficult circumstances related to banking and financial woes. Despite the efforts of Federal and State banking officials, the Cadence Bank closure has yet to be fully resolved. Furthermore, road construction projects are still on hold, leaving residents without much-needed improvements. To make matters worse, the future of the local Alabama Power office and ambulance service remain uncertain. These issues compound to create a challenging situation for the city as a whole.

(Source: Turner Media)