On October 10th, the Perry County Extension Office held a Be Weather Wise Seminar on the campus of  Lincoln School, Marion, AL as a part the West Perry Quilters Association enrichment training. Several of the quilters took part in this informative training. Katrina Easley, County Extension Coordinator, presented on types of severe weather events and how to prepare for severe weather hazards.

Among the topics of discussion were; safety steps for any disaster, preparing a “Go Bag” as well as the difference between an advisory, a watch and a warning. As a result of attending the Weather Wise seminar, the participants learned to be proactive by preparing for a severe weather events ahead of time, having a emergency plan in place and preparing an emergency kit for their homes and cars.

As an incentive for participating, each participant was given a weather radio and received assistance with programming for local weather events.  The participants also signed up for weather alerts through Perry County EMA. A BeReady backpack was donated to the facility to encourage and promote emergency preparedness.

For more information on severe weather events and how to prepare for emergencies, contact the Perry County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) or visit www.aces.edu/anemergenyhandbook