Elementary students from Robert C Hatch School and Francis Marion School kicked off the Super Citizen Program for 2023 with an exciting show. Flags waved and Statue of Liberty crowns glittered as the students eagerly counted down for the arrival of Libby Liberty™. When the moment arrived, a live video on three screens showed her Next Great Americans tour arriving to the school – and then the real-life Libby walked out from behind the screens to the sound of cheers!  

The lady in green sparked excitement in the students when she shared details of the 10-week civic, character, financial literacy and social studies program. She illuminated history, emphasizing that everyone has a fundamental role in their community as a CITIZEN. When she finished her tour, the enthusiastic students were eager to begin their journey as knowledge-seeking citizens. 

Students of all grade levels are participating in the Super Citizen Program, an innovative civic education program featuring Mr. Palmer (the hand-puppet host of the “Hands on Liberty” DVD series). Younger grades are being taught by the Mr. Palmer DVD series, while upper elementary grades are learning using the original Super Citizen Program kit. This kit contains DVD-based lessons, class activities, and a memorable project-based learning experience known as “Torch Teams.” In Torch Teams, students team up to decide who they want to honor as a local hero for their graduation ceremony later this year. Through this experience they learn that by honoring a hero, they themselves become a hero. 

Thanks to the generous support of community sponsors, schools can take advantage of this event and the civic learning activities being offered for free, which is especially beneficial given the limits of both school time and finances. 

(Source: Liberty Learning Foundation)