The issue of migrants descending into Perry County in hopes of easing the national crisis of illegals crossing the border is out of the question says Perry County Commission Chairman, Albert Turner. Chairman Turner has been approached to offer refuge to about 1,000 migrants being housed currently in large American cities like New York and Chicago as a way to increase the county’s dwindling population and increase the county’s influx of Federal funds. Chairman Turner is also getting some heat from local industries to ease their hiring pain to keep up with their company’s demand by bringing in migrants to work at some local industries.  

Perry County Commission Chairman, Albert Turner, has made it clear that the issue of migrants entering the county to help alleviate the national crisis of illegal immigration is not an option. Turner has been approached by some to offer refuge to around 1,000 migrants who are currently being housed in major cities like New York and Chicago. This proposal was aimed at boosting the county’s population and increasing its share of Federal funds. However, Chairman Turner has firmly rejected this idea.  

Additionally, Turner is facing pressure from local industries to bring in migrants to alleviate their hiring struggles and meet their production demands. But he is not giving in to this pressure either. Turner is aware that the influx of migrants would not only bring about social and cultural challenges but also hinder the local economy. Moreover, it would also strain the already limited resources of the county. Turner is determined to protect the interests of the county and its residents. He believes that the county does not have the resources or infrastructure to support such a large number of migrants.  

Furthermore, he is concerned about the safety and well-being of both the migrants and the local community. For these reasons, Turner has firmly stated that the issue of migrants settling in Perry County is out of the question. 

Chairman Turner was unwavering in his stance on using migrants to boost the population and get federal dollars for Perry County. He was determined to improve the lives of the county’s current residents and believed that resources should be focused on them. The Chairman made it clear that he was already stretched thin trying to address current issues, such as securing emergency services, providing clean water, improving education, and creating housing for Perry County residents. He saw no benefit in adding a thousand migrants to his already full plate, especially when there was no guarantee of when federal funds would arrive. He also addressed the issue of industries using migrants for cheap labor. He believed that if these industries wanted to stay afloat, they would have to pay their workers higher wages. He was not in favor of industries bringing in migrants to take advantage of low wages and urged them to increase their wages in order to attract a larger pool. 

Below is Chairman Turner with Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Chairman George Dunlap after speaking at the National Association of Counties Convention.