Special to the Marion Times Standard 

It is clear that an epidemic in drug overdoses and deaths has become an urgent public health crisis in the United States. To address the increasing number of overdose deaths, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) launched the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day to encourage individuals to properly dispose of their unneeded medications and reduce pain reliever abuse. Through this initiative, the DEA works to make our communities safer and healthier, preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction from occurring in the first place.  

Taylor’s Pride #712 Order of Eastern Star, Marion, Alabama will hold a prescription take back day on October 21, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the Perry County Courthouse Square. Keep all prescription drugs in a bag and shade out your name on the bottle. 

There will also be vendors, Mrs. Frances Ford will be there for Blood Pressure Check and Mary King with Glucose Check. 

(Chelen Melton, Worthy Matron – Contact Person: Tyrone Smith (256) 690-8363)